

Seeing Serenity tomorrow! (Hurrah!)

In other news, I'm leaving work in a week and a half. DOUBLE HURRAH! I don't feel at all apprehensive, beyond deciding whether to go out for a farewell lunch. For once, I feel like I've made the right decision, even if I'm a tad on the unemployed side.

Went to an agency of Monday, and had to undergo a series of aptitude tests: spelling, typing, data entry, filing and so forth. I'm not really used to things like that so it was...well, kind of novel, really. Thought I'd failed since I didn't finish any of the tasks but from the sounds of it, that wasn't the point. The guy looking for jobs for me seems pleasant enough, too. I just hope they find me somewhere soon - the pay they offer is miles better than anything I've ever got at Current Workplace.

Just have dreaded dissertation to worry about. I'm two steps forward, three steps back with that one. But I'm feeling pretty motivated at the moment, so I'm doing it with gusto!

Beautiful today. I think autumn's trying to get a look in before winter sets in.

EDIT: Don't click the link if you're not up to date with Harry Potter: Spoilery and fecking funny

5:06 p.m.



Occasionally, I am given to fangirlishness.


Yes, I went to a Tom McRae gig last night. Yes, he's amazing. He opened by singing 'Mermaid Blues' completely unnacompanied which gave you the full effect of his gorgeous, haunting voice. The kind of voice which gives me shivers. It was a nice balance of tracks from all the albums, which was great as I haven't heard 'All Maps Welcome' all the way through yet, and because his first album is still my favourite.

Support acts were OK. I can't remember the names, so perhaps I'll edit this later and put them in. The first looked to have just taken his A-Levels, which made watching him feel very much like watching 'The X-Factor'. He was very good, a pleasant voice, though he needs to find his own style. The second act, two members of a band who had apparently appeared on the Six Feet Under soundtrack were...OK. They got better, but they possibly shouldn't have started with a Bjork-esque eletronic song which didn't really have any kind of hook, and which was played so loud it actually made my left ear drum tickle. I think they could have done better if they'd had the whole band there. The gutiarist's family were there which was kind of cute.

And...since we'd managed to get to the very front for the finale, Laura gave him a bubble gun (after he'd played 'Boy with the Bubble Gun'), and in return got his guitar pick.

He was also very, very gorgeous in his black shirt.

7:09 p.m.


"This things I beleive."

Since Hannah asked so nicely:

Finish the sentence (minimum 10):

"I believe..."
-God, Jesus, that Christian vibe.(As of yet undecided with regards to Catholicism)
-Niceness is a deeply underrated quality.
-Deep down, that one day I'll find Narnia at the back of a wardrobe.
-...that I'll keep checking, just in case.
-No person is irredeemable.
-Get someone drunk, you see a whole other side to them (not a seperate person).
-My best friends are deeply remarkable women.
-Cats will one day be our overlords.
-That there's no such thing as love at first sight.
-Wisdom comes from balance and tolerance.

...That's a crap list. Sorry. And very hard to make. I admire people who can pick out certainties, but I find it pretty difficult these days.

12:54 p.m.


Blas for me, blas for you...

Fanfiction Jesus. Now I really have seen everything.

8:50 p.m.



Welcome here, people who entered:

- Weirdest turn ons and offs
- Accustive (Remind me to proof read)
- purr
- Debenams (Again, must proof read)
- Asylum seekers

...Into their search engine of choice. Don't be shy! Sit down, and have a fruit rollup.

I *heart* my stats tracker.

7:19 p.m.





5:58 p.m.


Geeker Joy

Serenity Trailer

I know. The trailer doesn't look amazing. I'm such a geek. But...squee! Squee! Squee! Squee!

And more geekage: Pilot Wash: Funny, self-deprecating and so adorable.

Which Firefly Guy is For You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Aw. Though I identify with Wash a little too much.

9:14 p.m.

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